Friday, September 19, 2008


One of our given rights is the right to vote. We may personally decide to vote or not to, but we know we have that right. What happens if this right is taken away? Especially taken away by an individual? Well I had a chance to come across an articles from the Austin American statesman
The articles talks about libertarian presidential nominee Bob Barr who wants to sue both republican John McCain and Democrat Obama.he seek to remove them from the ballot in Texas. Crazy! Yes it does sound crazy. The reason to this action is that he claims both candidate failed to file their ballot paper before the deadline, which was 70 days before the main presidential election. He also says that both did not met the requirement of Texas law that both candidate to submit a "written certification" of their nomination before the deadline. The lawsuit was filed at the state's supreme court in Austin, states.
This raises an alarm. What does this mean? As i first read this, i thought to myself if this means that the Texans cannot participate in the elections since there are no ballot papers for the people we eagerly waiting to vote for. Does this take away our right to vote? well lucky for us Ashley Burton, a spokesperson for the Texas Secretary of State's office, responded that Both parties had made their filings with their office and other supplimented them and they will be in the ballots.
If it had to go the other way i think our right to vote wiould have been violeted.