Friday, October 17, 2008

McCain on the road?

One of the blogs that I found interesting was from the smirking chimps. RJ Eskow writer of this article on claims that McCain’s negative campaign is damaging his chances and his final debate took him even more negative. Wonders what his strategy is. He tries to reach out to both McCain and Obama’s supporters.
The author makes interesting points that easily win his audience. He shows his credibility by use of certain examples and evidences; his presentation of facts and the way he presents his work .He also is able to support his claim by use of humor and other mannerisms.
He supports his claim that McCain is becoming more negative in his campaigns. He agrees that He may have seemed to improve in the third debate by being lively and didn’t wander aimlessly but the truth is, according to Americans, he’s not capable of fixing the economy. The debate further ‘ convinced them that... they don't like him, either. Whaddya expect? They told him through the polls that they don't like the meanness -- and in response he got meaner.’
The author also gets his support from other conservatives who believe that McCain is going the wrong direction. He says, “so many responsible conservatives like George F. Will (and less responsible ones, too) are condemning this campaign.” They say they had come along way to restore respectability but it could easily go back to the way it was.
The use of coded language by McCain when addressing the crowd doesn’t help his campaign as the author points it out. He uses “an activist catch-phrase ("schooling as THE civil rights issue") and mock women's health” referring it as ‘extreme pro-abortion position.’ This draws in negativity from the people on both side of school choice and reproductive rights issues.
The author then tries to explain why McCain could be acting like this. He implies he might be having other agendas in mind and that is ‘Paint Obama as an extremist, a terrorist plant. Stir up hatred. Lay the groundwork for arguing that the election was stolen.’
Use of humor is seen in the authors article .One instance is, ‘the Palinites have taken over the campaign, forcing McCain to do their bidding. ("Lassie, go tell Mom and Dad! The bad people have taken Grandpa!”) The use of this certainly draws the readers to the article.
I believe the author has presented his work well by supporting his claims showing he is credible. He also presents his work that attracts the readers and creates a good argument.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Palin Meets Test

With the issues going on the bailout and the upcoming debate between senator Sarah palin and Joseph Biden it was surely a busy week. Now that the debate took place people have their own opinion on how each performed. Peter Baker writes an article about the debate. He claims that Sarah Palin got out of the debate luckily unscathed. According to his article Palin meets test, from Newyork times he describes the debate as a test, which Senate Palin was able to put up well as less expected. He compares it to the previous interviews she had done. He uses evidences and certain facts and figures to prove. This goes ahead to show his credibility.
Peter Baker first mentions was what palin was going up against. That is Senator Joseph Biden, ‘who has been debating on the floor of the United States Senate for the past 36 years.’ This is unlike Palin. He mentioned that she never stumbled in response to some questions even though she didn’t have ‘breakthrough moments.’
The author also mentions how Palin kept her image whom her fans. This was the “folksy hockey mum.” He gives certain instances to support this. With the Phrases “like ‘darn right,’ ‘doggone it,’ ‘you betcha’ and ‘God bless her.’ The author says that Palin was able to comfortable talk about domestic issues and besides some instances where Biden was able to rise up; she was aggressive and kept going.

Well the author was able to show his credibility by sharing both sides of the story and the some few down falls for Palin. He mentioned that at one point she ‘confused the name of the newly confirmed commander of U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan, Gen. David McKiernan, calling him McClellan.’ Although this happened Palin was probably able to manage and stay focused at the debate. This goes on to support the author’s claim that Sarah palin had a great test that she managed to emerge largely unscathed.