Monday, November 17, 2008

Finally prayers that had long being awaited for were aswered when Obama was pronounces the president elect on Nov 4th 2008.History has been made as Obama is pronounced the first black president of America.this goes to Answer Yohannes blog question; does race matter?
I supposrt him when he says that it was uncertain if people were going to vote for Obama or not purely on race or what he claimed to deliver to the American people.Change was surely witnessed when he won the election proving that race,which had been a long time strungle was not an issue anymore.He got many votes from different people around the states who did not care much about his colour skin but what he truly had.This opens up a way for anyone to do and to be anyone he or she wants to without the dividing line of race,religion,gender,and class.For sure a new door has been opened and this awaited day that our black ancestors had been waiting for has reached.we surely did, we surely can and surely will go somewhere.

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