Friday, December 12, 2008

Is it planned ?

Following the invasion of U.S on Iraq accusing them of having weapon of mass destruction has created a lot of enormity .Now another attack on another country will be worse and requires more thought since the consequences might be greater. Now the question is whether the plan to attack Iran is going to pull through. Auzy’s post on Attack Iran claims that he believes the president –elect Barrack Obama is going to attack Iran. He says that Barrack Obama, John McCain, and popular media give a definite yes, ‘so long as, they possess weapons of mass destruction or pose an imminent threat to national security.’ Attack on Iran has been long planned. The problem is the U.S have no valid prove of this and should not accuse Iran of supporting terrorist activities without validity or this might end up like the case of Iraq. I agree with Auzy on this, and it could be just a staged plan to start a war and that Obama will only attack when the nations security is threatened
At the outset of Bush's second term, around 2005 Vice President Dick Cheney had something to say. He hinted, in no uncertain terms, that Iran was "right at the top of the list" of the enemies of America, and that Israel would, "be doing the bombing for us." This is without the US military involvement and putting no pressure on them to do it. I ran had issued a threat on Israel and this is why Israel is ready to defend itself first .The USA are using this as a way to involve themselves without having to be blamed on whatever the outcome will be. On The other hand the US has stated that they are ready if the Iran truly proves to be a threat to the US and the world at large if they posses nuclear weapon. It is therefore a duty for our leader to be concerned with the safety of its citizens. U.S. President-elect Barack Obama's administration will offer Israel a ‘nuclear umbrella’ against the threat of a nuclear attack by Iran, as said earlier this week.
This US guarantee to Israel could also be interpreted as the U.S. believing that Iran will eventually acquire nuclear arms. We cannot be sure but we should not be quick to think the US is ready to jump into another war. It is only trying to protect its people. We should also be careful that they do not make the sane mistakes the Bush administration made. I believe the Obama Administration will think things through and whatever decision they may decide will be a smart move.

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